Al Resalah Schools
The school was established in 1985.
Al Resalah, a distinguished environment for distinguished students
Preparing generations in a comprehensive and integrated manner for an active role in the development of the country and the advancement of the nation within a systematic plan of action that keeps pace with development and technology and harnesses it to serve education.
A pioneering scientific and educational edifice, with conscious management, an expected environment, high competencies, social communication, civilized openness, and national and Islamic awareness.
The school was established in 1985.
Al Resalah, a distinguished environment for distinguished students
School Facilities
Al Resalah Schools are characterized by its comfortable building, which was designed to be a model school with its own privacy, as it combines quality, health, security and safety at the same time, which makes the student feel that he is at home and with his own family.
Al Resalah Schools:
Al Resalah Schools was established in 1985
We work diligently with perseverance in Al Rsalah School to achieve all aspects of the vision and mission that it envisioned and adopted, which are in line with the philosophy of education.
The school is from the first grade to the twelfth grade in its two branches (scientific and literary). Males and females not mixed.
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